A small space for me to post and talk about my photography work, reviews on photographers, artists and current exhibitions... actually lets just talk about anything.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015


Dressed as a polar bear, on Sunday 29th November 2015, myself and two friends, Alice and Matt, attended the Climate Change demonstration in London. The message of this march was directed to David Cameron and 150 leaders around the world when they meet in Paris from 30th November to 11th December 2015. In this conference, we could see a real change towards reducing pollution and global warming on the planet. It is so important for this discussion to be a success as it is time to make a difference for the generations to come. With the rapid increasing sea levels and temperatures, the planet is changing at a rate unheard of before. Slowly and surely we are destroying our home and it's time to stop. Below are photos that I took and a short video about the day.

    'Keep Below 2°C'
    'Stop destroying life on Earth for profit'
    'Reconsider your meat consumption'
    'CAUTION! Change the policy not the climate'
    Fangirl moment - Jeremy Corbyn

    Thank you for reading and please get involved in saving the planet! We only have the one and at the rate global warming is increasing, it might change drastically in the not so distance future.

    Interested to find out more?

    Check out Cowspiracy an inspiring documentary about the problems of overconsumption of meat on our environment.

    Another interesting documentary here but emphasises the health implications of meat consumption.


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